Collaboration Between Nippon Koei and Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

From left to right: Ms. Rosmeilan Kantate Siagian (Marketing & Promotion Staff of NK Jakarta Representative Office), Mr. Yuichi Yamaguchi (Senior Specialist, International Geohazard Management Department, Land Infrastructure Development Operations, NK Jakarta Representative Office), Mr. Taro Koike (Manager for Marketing & Promotion of NK Jakarta Representative Office), Prof. Ir. Edwan Kardena, Ph.D. (Dean of Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering), Prof. I Wayan Sengara (Executive Director of CIBE), Ms. Rani Gayatri Kusumawardhani P. (Deputy Director for Cooperation Division of CIBE)

Date : Jan 2024


What We Do In That Event ?

Jakarta – On 26 September 2023, taking place in ITB’s Centre for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE), the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to develop cooperation and mutually beneficial collaborations in general disaster management technology research.

The focus of the MoA will be given to hazard identification mapping, disaster risk assessment, and vulnerability of elements at risk, primarily on infrastructure and built environment. To further elaborate the focus on actual activities, NK and CIBE ITB set a purpose to provide disaster analysis for state-owned enterprises (SOE) as well as the central and local governments.

Nippon Koei (NK) as an engineering consultant and CIBE ITB have a shared view of solving problems affecting infrastructures as the backbone of economic development. With NK’s renowned, unrivalled reputation of being the strongest consultant in disaster management sector in Japan, CIBE ITB has shown an avid interest in collaborating with NK, especially to conduct joint activities which may contribute to creating disaster-resilient infrastructures.

The signing of this MoA is workable as both NK and CIBE ITB have recognized experts with considerable disaster-related experience. NK has contributed to geohazard and risk management with advanced and proven technologies, while CIBE ITB has experts who are involved in developing a seismic and tsunami hazard map which is used to update national standards for the design of earthquake-resilient buildings and infrastructure. Additionally, CIBE ITB has experience in conducting risk assessments for buildings and infrastructure.

Through activities agreed upon under this MoA, it is expected that both organizations can contribute to disaster management in Indonesia, among others by promoting research on disaster prevention technologies suitable for Indonesia.

To complement the elaboration above, as an international engineering consultant, NK extends its disaster management services to the private sector as NK has appropriate technologies for disaster prevention, management, and mitigation as well as outstanding ability in analyses and countermeasures of disasters, such as floods and landslides.

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