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Consulting Services for Design and Supervision of Port Related Facilities Development (Package 8) for Patimban Port Development Project (I)

Terminal Construction
- Container Terminal : L= 421 m
- Car Terminal : L= 308 m
- Dredging Works (10.0 m) : 13,717,592 m3

Breakwater, Seawall, and Channel Dredging Works
- Breakwater : 1,930 m
- Seawall : 6,922.5 m
- Connecting Bridge : L= 1,005 m
Posted Date : 17 May 2023

This project aims to strengthen the port logistics capacity of the Jakarta Metropolitan Area and improve the total economic activities in the region by constructing an international seaport and access roads in Patimban, which is in the eastern metropolitan area.

The project consists of the construction of two international container terminals (-4.0 m, L = 421 m), one car terminal (L = 308 m) (including breakwater, revetment, dredging, reclamation, and other port-related facilities), and the installation of necessary navigation aid facilities as main components of the project’s east connecting bridge (L = 1,005 m).

The project owner is the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation, and Nippon Koei carried out detailed design and construction supervision services (2018-2024).

Directorate General of Sea Transportation (DGST), Ministry of Transportation
Detailed Design, Construction Supervision
Subang, West Java
2018 - 2024

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