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Rentang Irrigation Modernization Project (RIMP)

Irrigation Area (Modernization Support Program) : 87,840 ha

Headworks Gated Type
- Role : 6 nos. x 10 m wide
- Sluice Gate : 8 nos. x 5 m wide

Food Discharge : 1,500 m3/s
Canal System : 2,721.9 km
Telemetering Installation : 46 Locations
Posted Date : 17 May 2023

The objective of the project is to increase the production of rice and other crops in the Rentang Irrigation Area in the Cimanuk watershed by modernizing and rehabilitating the existing irrigation system and improving the operation and maintenance of the irrigation system, thereby contributing to sustainable food security in Indonesia.

To this end, a combined approach is proposed for implementation, with "infrastructure improvement components”, such as upgrading of irrigation infrastructures, supported by "soft components", such as modernization support program (MSP) including asset management program, irrigation water management, and agriculture support.

Directorate General of Water Resources (DGWR), Ministry of Public Works, and Housing
Construction Supervision
Majalengka and Indramayu, West Java
2020 - 2025

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